2022-23 LEADershops
CliftonStrengths: Me and My Strengths (1.5 hours)
Participants complete the Clifton Strengths assessment and attend a follow-up workshop where they are briefly introduced to positive psychology and gain a better understanding of how their personal talents may benefit them as a leader. The workshop encourages individuals to think about how they interact with others and to develop strategies for strengths application (on a personal level, and when developing teams/groups).
Upcoming workshops:
Dates forthcoming!
CliftonStrengths: My Strengths and My Team (1.5 hours)
Participants will reflect on the values of the Clifton Strengths assessment for them as an individual and within a group. The workshop includes a variety of activities that aid participants in identifying and interpreting strengths across a group, focusing primarily on how to collaborate and communicate based on the relationship between your own traits and the traits of those you are leading with.
This LEADershop can be requested by different executive teams and student organizations. Please contact Leah Beard for more information.