Leadership Initiatives at Washington and Lee University

LEAD Program: The LEAD Program is a two-year, comprehensive leadership program purposed to empower students to discover their potential and develop their skills as leaders. The program aims to enhance student learning and development in areas of self-knowledge and leadership competence through various workshops, teambuilding exercises, roundtable discussions, reflective activities, and service. For more information about the LEAD Program, click here.

LEADershops: These workshops are available for all W&L students who are interested in advancing their leadership knowledge, development, and skills. LEADershops are an extension of the LEAD Program, and are facilitated by various faculty and staff members at W&L. For more information about LEADershops, click here.

Leadership Excellence Awards: The Leadership Excellence Awards is an annual ceremony that recognizes the many individual and group accomplishments that have come to fruition within the past year. The Leadership Excellence Awards also offers moments of gratitude and affirmation as we know that the Washington and Lee co-curricular experience would not be as vibrant without the hard work of dedicated student leaders.

While the Division of Student Affairs works collaboratively to promote Washington and Lee University's core values of academic excellence, civility, personal honor and integrity, we appreciate student feedback and want to be intentional in our programmatic efforts. Please contact Leah Beard (lbeard@wlu.edu), Director of Leadership Development and Student Engagement, if you are interested in leadership development, educational offerings, and/or programmatic efforts.

The LEAD Program

Seeking to develop your leadership skills? Participation in LEAD can help you to achieve this and more!  

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