Tier 2: Group Application & Community Connections

Students will recognize that leadership is a group process, and examine the dynamics of effective collaboration and communication through continued refinement, integration, and application of Tier 1 skills in a team setting.

Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.

-Chinese Proverb


Core (required) sessions are scheduled prior to the start of each academic year. Elective (participant choice) sessions are scheduled prior to the start of each academic year and also added and advertised as necessary.

Participants will be added to the LEAD Program Canvas course (which can be accessed by clicking here). This platform will enable to students to register for workshops, access necessary and additional resources, complete reflections, and more!

Community service hours should be logged on a Word document, and sent to the LEAD Program Adviser at the end of the academic year. Participants may also log and share their service via Engage W&L with the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program.


leadership Education

Attend and reflect upon four core workshops, two elective workshops.

  • Core Workshops:

    • CliftonStrengths Part II (1.5 hours)

    • Group Process & Theory (1 hour)

    • Leadership and Ethics (1 hour)

    • Defining Mentorship Part II (1 hour)

  • Elective Workshops (select one of the offerings not previously attended):

    • Passing the Baton (1 hour)

    • Vulnerability: A Leadership Skill? (1 hour)

    • Leadership Imposter Syndrome (1 hour)

    • Facilitating Discussions/Active Listening & Empathy (1 hour)

    • Leadership-Related Sessions (see Canvas Calendar)

facilitation & team Building

Attend and complete two core sessions/activities.

  • Core Sessions:

    • Team Building 201(2 hours)

    • Everest Simulation (1.5 hours)



Complete and reflect upon one core activity. Participants may also attend one elective session if desired.

  • Elective Session:

    • CPD Overview, Resumes, & Marketing LEAD (1 hour)


At the end of the academic year, participants from Tiers 1 and 2 are brought together to reflect on their leadership development journey. Students will prepare a creative presentation or prop to share, answering self-reflection prompts. Other reflection requirements can be seen below:

  • Design Reflection: The LEAD Team will prepare questions regarding the design and possibilities for improvement of the LEAD Program for participants to answer. This reflection can be completed in the discussion forum on Canvas.